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QG-Bench and Fine-tuned Models

QG-Bench consists of question generation datasets in 8 different languages and 11 diverse domains. The dataset is proposed in "Generative Language Models for Paragraph-Level Question Generation, EMNLP 2022 main conference", and all the datasets are shared on huggingface via the link below. To use the dataset, first install datasets library (pip install datasets) and load the dataset.

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("lmqg/qg_squad")

An example of the dataset instance looks as follows.

  "question": "What is heresy mainly at odds with?",
  "paragraph": "Heresy is any provocative belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. A heretic is a proponent of such claims or beliefs. Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause, and blasphemy, which is an impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.",
  "answer": "established beliefs or customs",
  "sentence": "Heresy is any provocative belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs .",
  "paragraph_sentence": "<hl> Heresy is any provocative belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs . <hl> A heretic is a proponent of such claims or beliefs. Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause, and blasphemy, which is an impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.",
  "paragraph_answer": "Heresy is any provocative belief or theory that is strongly at variance with <hl> established beliefs or customs <hl>. A heretic is a proponent of such claims or beliefs. Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause, and blasphemy, which is an impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.",
  "sentence_answer": "Heresy is any provocative belief or theory that is strongly at variance with <hl> established beliefs or customs <hl> ."

Each feature contains following information:

  • question: a string feature.
  • paragraph: a string feature.
  • answer: a string feature.
  • sentence: a string feature.
  • paragraph_answer: a string feature, which is same as the paragraph but the answer is highlighted by a special token <hl>.
  • paragraph_sentence: a string feature, which is same as the paragraph but a sentence containing the answer is highlighted by a special token <hl>.
  • sentence_answer: a string feature, which is same as the sentence but the answer is highlighted by a special token <hl>.

Each of paragraph_answer, paragraph_sentence, and sentence_answer feature is assumed to be used to train a question generation model, but with different information. The paragraph_answer and sentence_answer features are for answer-aware question generation and paragraph_sentence feature is for sentence-aware question generation. See more detail at our paper.


  • QG-Bench (multilingual): The multilingual subset of QG-Bench from Wikipedia in each language.
Dataset Data size (train/valid/test) Average character length (paragraph/sentence/question/answer)
English (lmqg/qg_squad) 75,722/10,570/11,877 757/179/59/20
French (lmqg/qg_frquad) 17,543/3,188/3,188 797/160/57/23
Japanese (lmqg/qg_jaquad) 27,809/3,939/3,939 424/72/32/6
Korean (lmqg/qg_koquad) 54,556/5,766/5,766 521/81/34/6
Russian (lmqg/qg_ruquad) 40,291/5,036/5,036 754/174/64/26
Italian (lmqg/qg_itquad) 46,550/7,609/7,609 807/124/66/16
Spanish (lmqg/qg_esquad) 77,025/10,570/10,570 781/122/64/21
German (lmqg/qg_dequad) 9,314/2,204/2,204 1,577/165/59/66

IMPORTANT: The lmqg/qg_frquad is private as the original FQuAD requires filling a form first, please see here.

  • QG-Bench (multidomain): The multidomain subset of QG-Bench in English.
Dataset Data size (train/valid/test) Average character length (paragraph/sentence/question/answer)
SubjQA/Book (lmqg/qg_subjqa) 637/92/191 1,514/146/28/83
SubjQA/Elec (lmqg/qg_subjqa) 697/99/238 1,282/129/26/66
SubjQA/Grocery (lmqg/qg_subjqa) 687/101/379 896/107/25/49
SubjQA/Movie (lmqg/qg_subjqa) 724/101/154 1,746/146/27/72
SubjQA/Restaurant (lmqg/qg_subjqa) 823/129/136 1,006/104/26/51
SubjQA/Trip (lmqg/qg_subjqa) 875/143/397 1,002/108/27/51
SQuADShifts/Amazon (lmqg/qg_squadshifts) 3,295/1,648/4,942 773/111/43/18
SQuADShifts/Wiki (lmqg/qg_squadshifts) 2,646/1,323/3,969 773/184/58/26
SQuADShifts/News (lmqg/qg_squadshifts) 3,355/1,678/5,032 781/169/51/20
SQuADShifts/Reddit (lmqg/qg_squadshifts) 3,268/1,634/4,901 774/116/45/19

QG Models

We release QG models fine-tuned on every dataset in QG-Bench. Following models are available via the transformers modelhub and can be used as below. We recommend to use the models via lmqg, but they are compatible with transformers too.

  • With lmqg library
from lmqg import TransformersQG
# initialize model
model = TransformersQG(language='en', model='lmqg/t5-large-squad-qg')
# a list of paragraph
context = [
    "William Turner was an English painter who specialised in watercolour landscapes",
    "William Turner was an English painter who specialised in watercolour landscapes"
# a list of answer (same size as the context)
answer = [
    "William Turner",
# model prediction
question = model.generate_q(list_context=context, list_answer=answer)
    "Who was an English painter who specialised in watercolour landscapes?",
    "What nationality was William Turner?"
  • With transformers library
from transformers import pipeline

pipe = pipeline("text2text-generation", 'lmqg/t5-large-squad-qg')
# model prediction
input_text = 'generate question: <hl> Beyonce <hl> further expanded her acting career, starring as blues singer Etta James in the 2008 musical biopic, Cadillac Records.'
[{'generated_text': 'Who starred as Etta James in Cadillac Records?'}]

English QG Models Leaderboard

English QG model fine-tuned on lmqg/qg_squad. The data split follows Du, et al 2017 and Du, et al 2018.

Model LM Training Data Test Data BLEU4 METEOR ROUGE-L BERTScore MoverScore
UniLM UniLM (340M Parameter) lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 22.78 25.49 51.57 - -
UniLM-v2 UniLM-v2 (110M Parameter) lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 24.70 26.33 52.13 - -
ProphetNet ProphetNet (340M Parameter) lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 23.91 26.60 52.26 - -
ERNIE-GEN ERNIE-GEN (340M Parameter) lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 25.40 26.92 52.84 - -
lmqg/t5-small-squad-qg t5-small lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 24.40 25.84 51.43 90.20 63.89
lmqg/t5-base-squad-qg t5-base lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 26.13 26.97 53.33 90.60 64.74
lmqg/t5-large-squad-qg t5-large lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 27.21 27.70 54.13 91.00 65.29
lmqg/bart-base-squad-qg facebook/bart-base lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 24.68 26.05 52.66 90.87 64.47
lmqg/bart-large-squad-qg facebook/bart-large lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 26.17 27.07 53.85 91.00 64.99

The results of UniLM/UniLM-v2/ProphetNet/ERNIE-GEN are taken from their papers.

Non-English QG Models Leaderboard

Non-English QG model fine-tuned on QG-Bench (multilingual).

Model LM Training Data Test Data BLEU4 METEOR ROUGE-L BERTScore MoverScore
lmqg/mt5-small-squad-qg mt5-small lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 21.65 23.83 48.95 90.01 62.75
lmqg/mt5-small-ruquad-qg mt5-small lmqg/qg_ruquad lmqg/qg_ruquad 16.31 26.39 31.39 84.27 62.49
lmqg/mt5-small-jaquad-qg mt5-small lmqg/qg_jaquad lmqg/qg_jaquad 30.49 29.03 50.88 80.87 58.67
lmqg/mt5-small-itquad-qg mt5-small lmqg/qg_itquad lmqg/qg_itquad 7.37 17.57 21.93 80.80 56.79
lmqg/mt5-small-koquad-qg mt5-small lmqg/qg_koquad lmqg/qg_koquad 10.57 27.52 25.64 82.89 82.49
lmqg/mt5-small-esquad-qg mt5-small lmqg/qg_esquad lmqg/qg_esquad 9.61 22.71 24.62 84.07 59.06
lmqg/mt5-small-dequad-qg mt5-small lmqg/qg_dequad lmqg/qg_dequad 0.43 11.47 10.08 79.90 54.64
lmqg/mt5-small-frquad-qg mt5-small lmqg/qg_frquad lmqg/qg_frquad 8.55 17.51 28.56 80.71 56.50
lmqg/mt5-base-squad-qg mt5-base lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 23.03 25.18 50.67 90.23 63.60
lmqg/mt5-base-ruquad-qg mt5-base lmqg/qg_ruquad lmqg/qg_ruquad 17.63 28.48 33.02 85.82 64.56
lmqg/mt5-base-jaquad-qg mt5-base lmqg/qg_jaquad lmqg/qg_jaquad 32.54 30.58 52.67 81.77 59.68
lmqg/mt5-base-itquad-qg mt5-base lmqg/qg_itquad lmqg/qg_itquad 7.70 18.00 22.51 81.16 57.11
lmqg/mt5-base-koquad-qg mt5-base lmqg/qg_koquad lmqg/qg_koquad 12.18 29.62 28.57 84.52 83.36
lmqg/mt5-base-esquad-qg mt5-base lmqg/qg_esquad lmqg/qg_esquad 10.15 23.43 25.45 84.47 59.62
lmqg/mt5-base-dequad-qg mt5-base lmqg/qg_dequad lmqg/qg_dequad 0.87 13.65 11.10 80.39 55.73
lmqg/mt5-base-frquad-qg mt5-base lmqg/qg_frquad lmqg/qg_frquad 6.14 15.55 25.88 77.81 54.58
lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-squad-qg facebook/mbart-large-cc25 lmqg/qg_squad lmqg/qg_squad 23.03 25.10 50.58 90.36 63.63
lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-ruquad-qg facebook/mbart-large-cc25 lmqg/qg_ruquad lmqg/qg_ruquad 18.80 29.30 34.18 87.18 65.88
lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-jaquad-qg facebook/mbart-large-cc25 lmqg/qg_jaquad lmqg/qg_jaquad 32.16 29.97 52.95 82.26 59.88
lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-itquad-qg facebook/mbart-large-cc25 lmqg/qg_itquad lmqg/qg_itquad 7.13 17.97 21.69 80.63 56.84
lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-koquad-qg facebook/mbart-large-cc25 lmqg/qg_koquad lmqg/qg_koquad 10.92 30.23 27.76 83.89 82.95
lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-esquad-qg facebook/mbart-large-cc25 lmqg/qg_esquad lmqg/qg_esquad 9.18 22.95 24.26 83.58 58.91
lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-dequad-qg facebook/mbart-large-cc25 lmqg/qg_dequad lmqg/qg_dequad 0.75 13.71 11.19 80.77 55.88
lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-frquad-qg facebook/mbart-large-cc25 lmqg/qg_frquad lmqg/qg_frquad 9.47 19.80 30.62 81.75 57.96


Please cite following paper if you use any resource:

    title = "{G}enerative {L}anguage {M}odels for {P}aragraph-{L}evel {Q}uestion {G}eneration",
    author = "Ushio, Asahi  and
        Alva-Manchego, Fernando  and
        Camacho-Collados, Jose",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = dec,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",