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Wang Xiaofeng xiaofengwang01
Technology changes the world!
rickyman Suhao07
Learning cpp python visual_slam DL Love drawing movie novel football

Zhejiang University

Dhaneshbb Dhaneshbb
👋 I'm Dhanesh B B, merging data science with finance 📊. Exploring ML, stats, and quant analysis 💻. Let's revolutionize finance together! 🌱 Connect with me.


Rex-Liu Rex-Liu1027

USTC Hefei City,Anhui province ,China


UIC 2000, Jintong Rd, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China

Zhang Chen zhangc927
I am an econometrics teacher in Shan Dong University of Finance and Economics, focusing on statistics, econometrics and machine learning

Shan Dong University of Finance and Economics Jinan, Shandong, China


raine's/kakania's kisser :heart_eyes docks or with friends

Lathashree lathashree01
ML engineer @Vaarst | WomanInTech | MSc (AI and ML) from @ImperialCollegeLondon

@rovco (Vaarst) United Kingdom

thinkind shencn
twitter/Instagram @thinkind WeChat @ShenYangCN

thinkind Hong Kong

Bhavesh Uppaluri SOOS2908
Data-Driven Problem Solver Seeking Opportunities in Analytics & Development

New Delhi, India