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Jeel j33l
Passionate software developer specializing in full-stack development, focusing on innovative web applications, user experience and Machine Learning.

California, US

developer, avid homelabber

Eastern US

Rodrigo Simoes rodrigosimoes182
With over five years of experience SW development, quality assurance, and test automation, I am a QA Automation Engineer at BairesDev, a leading SW outsourcing

Sao Paulo, SP- Brazil

Hello Github World!!
Philipp philippkstn
Web developer and PHP enthusiast, dedicated to crafting beautiful, user-friendly websites. Passionate about bringing ideas to life on the web.


Marc Sallin msallin
Working with .NET & C#, Software Architect @ Swiss Post, Lecturer for Software Engineering @ FFHS

Swiss Post Bern (CH)

Eric Dorsey edorsey
Builder of well-crafted products

Dorsio Kansas City, MO

Ovi Trif ovitrif
Dev in Bitcoin with mobile expertise

Masivotech BV Flemish region, Belgium

astrochemx astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

HUBS mrheyday
@long STORY Oslo

Nick Wenrich uonxhou
My name is Nick Wenrich, i'm a college student and most of the time i have to study. I enjoy rap and basketball.


Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

renhai-lab renhai-lab


Pierre-Jean Leger Caligone

@yurplan Lyon, France

Luiz Berti luizberti
Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it. — Alan J. Perlis
