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SkNN implementation in Scala

SkNN is a metric algorithm for labeling\classification sequential data. It accepts for classification any type of sequence elements with only condition: you need to define distance function which can calculate distance between pair of elements.

Detailed description of SkNN could be found at arXiv.


First of all you need to implement class for you data derived from BaseElement trait.

Let's create TestElement class for our test data. TestElement contains only single value of Double.

class TestElement(_label: String, _value: Double) extends BaseElement{
  override var label : String = _label
  override var output: Set[String] = Set()

  var value: Double = _value
  • label - is a class label of sequence element
  • output - is an additional field for storing possible outputs of element (analogue to HMM outputs). Not actually used in this example
  • value - element value with default initialization

Now we can define train and test sets for our example:

* Train sequences
    val seq1 = List(
      elemCreator("l1", 1),
      elemCreator("l2", 100),
      elemCreator("l3", 10),
      elemCreator("l3", 11)

    val seq2 = List(
      elemCreator("l1", 1),
      elemCreator("l4", 50),
      elemCreator("l5", 21),
      elemCreator("l5", 20)

    val seq3 = List(
      elemCreator("l1", 1),
      elemCreator("l1", 2),
      elemCreator("l1", 3),
      elemCreator("l1", 4),
      elemCreator("l1", 5)

* Test sequences

    val test1 = List(
      elemCreator(null, 1),
      elemCreator(null, 70),
      elemCreator(null, 0),
      elemCreator(null, 0)

The next step is the creation of a Model object. We will use simple distance measure which will calc absolute difference between values of pair of the elements:

 val model = Model.createModel[TestElement](1, new PlainAverageStorageFactory((x, y) => (x.value - y.value).abs))

* Learning of the model
  • TestElement - is a type of our sequence elements
  • PlainAverageStorageFactory - is a factory which will create searchable storage for our training elements. It is easy to create your own storage for special implementation of searchable storage like KD-tree.
  • (x, y) => (x.value - y.value).abs) - is our distance function

The next step is the creation of classifier object and performing labeling:

    val sknn = new SkNN[TestElement](model)
    val labeling:Option[(List[SkNNNode[TestElement]], Double /* summary distance */)] = sknn.tag(test1)

    val res1 = labeling.get._1

    assert(res1.size == 4)

    assert(res1(0).label == "l1")
    assert(res1(1).label == "l2")
    assert(res1(2).label == "l3")
    assert(res1(3).label == "l3")
  • sknn.tag(test1) - is a labeling function call for test1 sequence
  • res1 contains sequence of SkNN nodes which can be used to lookup result labels.
