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a play ground for my php testing

todomvc trial

v1.0; CREATE TABLE todos ( completed varchar(4) NOT NULL, order int(11) default NULL, title varchar(50) default NULL, url varchar(4) , done tinyint(1) unsigned zerofill default NULL, uid varchar(36) NOT NULL, id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

INSERT INTO todos VALUES ("true", 1, "Code new website", "",1,"uid1","1");

old version :v0.1; drop table todos; CREATE TABLE todos ( uid varchar(36) NOT NULL, order int(11) default NULL, title varchar(50) default NULL, completed varchar(4) NOT NULL, url varchar(4) NOT NULL, done tinyint(1) unsigned zerofill default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (uid) ) ;

INSERT INTO todos VALUES ("EQtest", 1, "Code new website", "true", "",1);