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Deterministic LLMs Outputs for AI Engineers using graphs, LLMs and vector retrieval

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Open-source framework for creating self-improving deterministic outputs for LLMs.

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Cognee Demo

Try it in a Google collab notebook or have a look at our documentation

If you have questions, join our Discord community

📦 Installation

With pip

pip install cognee

With poetry

poetry add cognee

💻 Usage


import os



import cognee
cognee.config.llm_api_key = "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY"

If you are using Networkx, create an account on Graphistry to visualize results:

   cognee.config.set_graphistry_username = "YOUR_USERNAME"
   cognee.config.set_graphistry_password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"

To run the UI, run:

docker-compose up cognee

Then navigate to localhost:3000/wizard

You can also use Ollama or Anyscale as your LLM provider. For more info on local models check our docs


import cognee

text = """Natural language processing (NLP) is an interdisciplinary
       subfield of computer science and information retrieval"""

await cognee.add([text], "example_dataset") # Add a new piece of information

await cognee.cognify() # Use LLMs and cognee to create knowledge

await search_results ="SIMILARITY", {'query': 'Tell me about NLP'}) # Query cognee for the knowledge


Add alternative data types:

cognee.add("file://{absolute_path_to_file}", dataset_name)


cognee.add("data://{absolute_path_to_directory}", dataset_name)

# This is useful if you have a directory with files organized in subdirectories.
# You can target which directory to add by providing dataset_name.
# Example:
#            root
#           /    \
#      reports  bills
#     /       \
#   2024     2023
# cognee.add("data://{absolute_path_to_root}", "reports.2024")
# This will add just directory 2024 under reports.

Read more here.

Vector retrieval, Graphs and LLMs

Cognee supports a variety of tools and services for different operations:

  • Local Setup: By default, LanceDB runs locally with NetworkX and OpenAI.

  • Vector Stores: Cognee supports Qdrant and Weaviate for vector storage.

  • Language Models (LLMs): You can use either Anyscale or Ollama as your LLM provider.

  • Graph Stores: In addition to LanceDB, Neo4j is also supported for graph storage.


Check out our demo notebook here

How it works


Star History

Star History Chart